Our associated law firm with offices in Bolzano is a modern law firm capable of acting, thanks to the specific skills of its experts and to its location, as a very important bridge between Italy and the German-speaking countries prevailing in the European Union.

Our clients know that they can rely on our deep and thorough knowledge of German, Italian and international economic law, on the excellent contacts and networks of experts we deal with in Italy and abroad and, last but not least, on our perfect knowledge of several languages (Italian, German, English, French).

In particular, we are requested by medium-size and multinational enterprises to assist them in their activity and domestic projects.

Our team of experts is known for its excellent professionalism, for the deep knowledge in economy, for its ample experience accrued in many sectors. With the aid of modern and up-to-date communication technologies, of our rich library and of the interdisciplinary cooperation with many networks of experts, we are in a position to represent at best our clients’ interests.