Our consultancy activity covers the entire range of labour law, from the creation of the labour relations (preparation of individual contracts) to the unilateral termination of contracts (preparation of objections for non-compliance with the contractual provisions by the employee, preparation of letters of dismissal, etc.) to the termination of the employment by mutual consent before the competent settlement commission. We can give judicial and extrajudicial advice and represent our clients in procedures for temporary employment compensation as well as well as for the signature of agreements with the trade unions.

Labor Law

We also act as partners in the setting up of business agreements and collective labour contracts and in other matters regarding the collective contractual laws. Furthermore, we deal with litigations connected with entrepreneurial outsourcing strategies and offer our specific and qualified aid during the negotiations and in Court.

The firm also handles litigation related to entrepreneurial out-sourcing strategies with specific and qualified assistance both at the negotiation stage and in court.